In a throwback interview, Neetu Kapoor, mother of Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, was asked about his relationship with actress Deepika Padukone. Neetu responded by saying that Ranbir was probably not himself when he was with Deepika. She also mentioned that it is important for an actor to be in the right mindset while shooting a film, and that sometimes personal relationships can affect their work.
Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone were in a relationship for a few years before they broke up. They have since worked together in several films, including the popular movie "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani".
Neetu Kapoor's comments about Ranbir and Deepika's relationship have resurfaced online, with many fans speculating about their dynamics both on and off-screen. While some have criticized Neetu's comments as being intrusive and judgmental, others have praised her for her honesty and for acknowledging the challenges that actors face in maintaining personal relationships while working in the film industry.
The interview provides a glimpse into the complex world of Bollywood relationships and the impact they can have on an actor's personal and professional life.